PodBytes – Episode 13: Multiplayer Moments

Online Multiplayer

No Online Pass Required

As gamers, we know that going online to play a few spirited rounds of multiplayer can, at times, be a crapshoot at best. You’ve experienced it all before: being repeatedly headshotted by a sniper camped out in your base; being on the receiving end of a guy single-handedly building a killstreak by using you for target practice; or, perhaps worst of all, getting trash-talked (and maybe even tea-bagged) by an over-privileged prepubescent kid. Continue reading

Top 5: Game Romances

Top Game Romances

Let Us Count the Ways…

Traditionally, games focus on one of two central motivations: either the world needs saving, or you have to rescue your love from the clutches of Evil. And yes, there are many times when the two are interwoven into the same goal, but you get our point. Continue reading

Friday Roundtable: Face Off: The Western RPG vs the JRPG


Random Encounter

It’s been a long and hard road for video games to move out of the dark recesses of dimly lit cafeteria corner tables and basement hobby rooms into the societal spotlight they enjoy today. Of all video game genres, the one most often associated with nerds and socially awkward individuals would have to be the role-playing game. Continue reading

Top 5: Star Wars Games

Top 5 Star Wars

We always let the Wookie win

It’s true: We at BnB spend more time than we should a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. We readily admit it. And even though our midi-chlorians aren’t off the charts, our hearts beat for the occasional attempt to feel the Force flowing through us. Continue reading