Backlog Redux 2014 #33 – Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars

Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars

A Sword Only Slightly Rusted by Time

Earlier this year (back in January, in fact) I promised myself that 2014 would be the year I would really start cutting down on my Steam backlog, in earnest this time. I set this goal when I finally made my way through Limbo, and realized I had many, many more titles waiting to be installed and played next. Now, at the tail end of the year, I’ve finally managed to at least get one more game struck off that list. The ten months in-between were too full of free games via Xbox Live and PlayStation Plus, a few higher profile  titles I purchased on my own, as well as keeping up with reviews over at AdventureGamers. Sadly, my 3DS handheld and Steam account came up short this year around. Continue reading

Comeback in a Half Shell?


Back in the Saddle

I was born in 1980.

That statement in and of itself is of no particular relevance to the rest of this story, but it does mean that I so happened to be at just the right age to be into the TMNT craze of the late ’80s/early ’90s. REALLY into it. Not that it was the only franchise my young heart latched onto, but the Turtles were somehow more enthralling, more accessible to me, and easily deserved a cherished place in my young adolescence. I didn’t come along as a fan until the cartoon series was up and rolling, so I was unaware of the grittier comic book roots of my four favorite heroes for a long time, but between the cartoon, action figures, and movie series (even, surprisingly, TMNT III) I was hooked for life. Continue reading

Celebration of Games: The Music of Final Fantasy VI


Retro Maestro

The tones of Square’s 1994 16-bit RPG masterpiece Final Fantasy VI contributed toward my then 13-year old self going down the irreversible path from gaming fan to true gamer in more ways than I could at the time have guessed or predicted. Long-time series composer Nobuo Uematsu, with this soundtrack’s purely instrumental chiptune music, managed to reach such a multitude of emotional highs and poignant lows that, to this day, it still stands as a crowning achievement of his own career, and a milestone in video game music in general. Continue reading

Let’s Play Indigo Prophecy – Part 09: Damn Puzzles

Let's Play Indigo Prophecy

Caught Up in the Rat Race

Welcome to BNBGAMING’s first Let’s Play series! Join Pascal as he takes on Quantic Dream’s adventure classic and cult favorite, Indigo Prophecy, known as Fahrenheit outside of the States.

In the ninth episode, it’s all about Tyler, and finally being able to finish his investigation at the antique book store. Damn puzzles! Continue reading

Let’s Play Indigo Prophecy – Part 08: Detect This!

Let's Play Indigo Prophecy

Basement-Dwelling Bookworms!

Welcome to BNBGAMING’s first Let’s Play series! Join Pascal as he takes on Quantic Dream’s adventure classic and cult favorite, Indigo Prophecy, known as Fahrenheit outside of the States.

In the eighth episode, Carla and Tyler both pursue different leads, but ultimately both end up in stuffy rooms full of shelves, files, and books, and I discover just why libraries frustrate me so much. Continue reading