Until Dawn Swings a Mean Machete and Goes Right for the Jugular

Until Dawn

When I made the mental leap and decided to finally spring for a PlayStation 4 last Thanksgiving, Until Dawn was the first game I bought (aside from the packed-in Uncharted Collection). In fact, I ordered the game before even finalizing the PS4 purchase, so technically I owned Until Dawn before even having a console to play it on. Continue reading

The Witness Has a Simple but Winning Formula

The Witness

A Sight to Behold

I recently got the chance to review Jonathan Blow’s The Witness for AdventureGamers, and it impressed me so much I’m telling everyone I know about it! It isn’t in any way, shape, or form a follow-up to Blow’s previous game, Braid, other than the fact that, like its forerunner, The Witness will really and truly challenge your puzzle-solving skills to their utmost measures. Continue reading

A Steamy Christmas Tradition

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Christmas may, in fact, be my favorite holiday. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about and rating holidays, but even though I enjoy the hell out of Halloween, I get really excited each year around December. The decorations, the music (to a degree), the “cold” weather we get in Florida, the general cheery goodness. Continue reading